Dresden (dpa / sn) – blood sausage, but without blood: Saxony’s first completely “vegan butcher’s shop” celebrates its reopening in Dresden on Saturday. “Our primary goal is that fewer people eat meat and instead consume vegan products,” says Nils Steiger, one of the four founders of the shop “Die Vegane Fleischerei” in the Neustadt district. The 27-year-old loves the taste of meat but doesn’t want to live with the consequences.

The model was originally a “vegan butcher shop” in London. “I really wanted to be able to buy such products in Dresden. But that wasn’t possible. That’s why we had to do it ourselves,” says Steiger. However, since he lacked the necessary know-how to be able to handle the project on his own, he collaborated with the vegan chef Daniel Quis, the restaurateur Andreas Henning and Stefan Meyer-Götz.

“Die Vegane Fleischerei” says it produces 70 percent of the products it sells itself. The remaining 30 percent – including vegan cheese – is bought externally, according to Steiger. Among other things, sauerbraten, cold cuts, roulades, goulash, solyanka and various types of cheese are offered – on a purely vegetable basis.