The national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), Fabien Roussel, calls on Wednesday September 13 in l’Humanité for the population to gather in front of the prefectures, and “invade them, even, if necessary”, to ask the State “to ‘act’ in the face of rising food, energy and fuel prices. Questioned by readers of the daily about the rise in inflation and the difficulties of the French, the deputy from the North “calls for action” and asks the President of the Republic to “act immediately”.

“I no longer want to hear the talk that the state is powerless. If he is powerless, he goes away, he lets others do their thing,” he argues, believing that the government must “block food prices from below, lower energy taxes to halve the price of electricity, increase salaries and pensions in line with inflation. »

But the boss of the communists goes further: “Then, if this is not done, we call to mobilize” and “to launch, everywhere, rallies in front of the prefectures, in front of the State which claims to be powerless, for itself ask for action,” he continues.

“The wrath of hunger threatens.”

“Everywhere, we must go and wake up state services, invade them, even, if necessary, go back to Macron and let him hear with both ears, not just with his right ear,” threatens the candidate for the last presidential election. According to him, Emmanuel Macron must hear “that we can’t take it anymore and that we are going to rebel.”

“The blow that Macron did to us with pensions, despite fourteen demonstrations, is also a way of saying to the French: ‘I despise you, I will do what I want’”, analyzes Fabien Roussel. “So, I say it again: I call for rallies in front of prefectures, supermarkets, gas stations. The anger of hunger threatens. »

He affirms that “each organization, whether the CNL [National Housing Confederation], unions, political parties, associations, must call to mobilize”, as well as “solidarity and charitable associations” such as the Restos du heart. Despite a pension reform “passed with unspeakable brutality”, he says he continues to “believe that our strength is our numbers and our solidarity. Otherwise, that would mean they won.”