In the winter months, citizens in 13 federal states must continue to wear masks in local transport. The reason given is the strained health system – avoidable infections should be prevented. At the same time, some countries are aiming for a mask end in spring.

According to leading experts, the corona pandemic in Germany is over or is nearing its end. Covid-19 could thus become endemic, i.e. occur regularly like the flu or measles. Nevertheless, 13 out of 16 federal states want to retain the mask requirement in public transport at least in January and February. This was the result of a survey by the editorial network Germany (RND) among all 16 federal states. So far, Schleswig-Holstein, Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt have abolished the mask requirement in public transport.

In many countries, the health ministries referred to the burdened health system as justification. According to Hamburg, the mask requirement in local public transport should also help to prevent avoidable infections in the coming weeks. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and North Rhine-Westphalia also justify maintaining the mask requirement with the desire to prevent further burdens on practices and clinics. According to the ministry, NRW wants to carry out a new assessment of the corona situation “with a little delay at the turn of the year”.

“An endemic phase is not a sufficient reason to suddenly drop all proven precautionary measures,” said a spokesman for the Berlin Senate Department for Health. Again, there are no plans to lift mask or isolation requirements.

Lower Saxony and Bremen also confirmed this. However, it was already agreed in December that, in coordination with Lower Saxony, an abolition of the mask requirement in public transport would be announced by March 1st, according to Bremen. Thuringia has also announced that it wants to abolish the mask requirement in March – provided the situation does not deteriorate by then. Saxony wants to consult with hospitals and doctors at the beginning of January.

The medical organization Marburger Bund had warned at the weekend against an immediate lifting of all corona measures. For long-distance trains and long-distance buses nationwide, FFP2 masks are mandatory until April 7, 2023. The mask requirement also applies in medical practices, clinics and nursing homes.