Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – After four police officers and a passer-by were injured by a firecracker on New Year’s Eve in Nuremberg, investigators are hoping for clues from video recordings. A large number of people made cell phone videos in front of the Lorenzkirche in the city center at midnight, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

According to the investigators, these recordings could show who was carrying the explosive device in question or who was rolling in the direction of the police officers. A previously unknown person is said to have rolled a large-format, cylindrical explosive device, similar to the shape of a “kitchen roll”, to the police officers, possibly on purpose. The explosive device detonated there, slightly injuring the four police officers and a passer-by. A police car was also damaged. The investigators suspect that it is an illegal explosive device from abroad or one that was self-made.

The police are investigating on suspicion of causing an explosive explosion, dangerous bodily harm and physical assault on police officers.