Dúos Increíbles, the La 1 musical competition in collaboration with Grupo Ganga, returns with a second season full of new features that RTVE presented this Tuesday.

The space, in which veteran performers choose young singers to form duets, continues to focus on music in Spanish and versions of classic songs.

In the presentation of the season, the director of Communication and Participation of RTVE, María Eizaguirre, has advanced that the program “will continue to focus on live music in Spanish, and will bring us closer to surprising versions that will make it vibrate”.

For her part, the Entertainment Director of the Public Corporation, Miriam García Corrales, has expressed satisfaction with the format: “The data from the first season was very relevant in prime time. The public reception was great, and also the of specialized critics and the music industry”. Among the values ​​of the contest, she has spoken of the importance of “valuing the intergenerational meeting, the commitment to live music.”

“It is a very special day,” said Javier Cuadrado, executive producer of Grupo Ganga, who explained that “a second season is a greater challenge. We had to offer more: more competitiveness, more emotion, more music. We have a level of incredible artists. The juniors are musicians, authors, composers… and all that is reflected in the format. The artists make the emotion reach the viewer and the public vibrate.”

Xavi Martínez and Julia Varela will be in charge of the presentation. For the first, “it is the professional dream come true of my life, and more so, for the fact of doing it on public television. I appreciate the trust. We have very special artists, it has been very exciting to share their day to day life… They are very comfortable and free, they are very real. It is going to be a very truthful program.” Another incentive for Julia Varela is “also getting to know the people backstage: with their hobbies, their curiosities, their phobias… There will be surprises. Seeing that part behind the artists is very nice.”

Some of the artists who will parade in the new season of the program have participated in the presentation, such as Paloma San Basilio for whom “the important thing is to take risks, spontaneity… the team has been very important. Such a level of demand. It has been like recovering a time when real and genuine television was made. Live music, professional transfer, that they learn from you and you learn from them, that is very nice to share.”

David Summers has also enjoyed it “very much”: “It is the first time in my life that I have entered a contest. We like singing and music and that TVE is betting on a 100% musical program at this time is fantastic. It is what called me to participate, the courage of TVE to bet on live music”.

Diana Navarro explained that she already knew the format and that for her “it is a gift, an incredible experience.” “You can see it as a family and it creates a dynamic of uncertainty. And musically it is the bomb,” she stated.

Carlos Baute was also captivated by this program: “I didn’t see myself in contests, but I got hooked on this program. It is an incredible opportunity: to sing, enjoy and do other musical genres.”

Coti, for his part, has indicated that he approached this blockbuster “with incredible respect for music and opportunity for these talents and for us. TVE is betting on medium and long-term work for music. It is an intriguing, fun program , there is emotion.”

And Rafa Sánchez has appreciated that here “the important thing is the songs. It is a gift of the program: when they told me to participate I jumped in.”

Some of the junior artists who will participate in this season participated in the press conference. Samantha, who comes from OT, explained that in Incredible Duos the experience has been “more fluid.” “Here you have the opportunity to sing with artists you admire and live with them. Singing live is being incredible,” she explained.

Tatiana Dlavoz has described her time on the program as “fantasy.” “I think the program gives you the opportunity to merge your roots with the experience of other artists that you admired, and also with songs that you have been listening to since you were a child.” Teo Bok believes that the important thing about this program “is that it opens doors for you in a way that you don’t expect. I feel very grateful: The program makes you know parts of yourself that you didn’t know. And to learn more about a language that I love. “I’m excited to see what happens after this.”

And for Gonzalo Hermida “the most beautiful thing as a musician is that I let my shamelessness go free: to use music freely, to learn from other artists in freedom. It’s magical.”

Seniors and juniors will perform, live and accompanied by a band, songs only in Spanish. Although, in this edition, the traditional songs take on another dimension by being impregnated with different accents from inside and outside our country.

Well-known themes that will sound in the voices of artists from other countries, such as Coti and Carlos Baute among the seniors, and Teo Bok and Maximiliano Calvo, among the juniors, who provide that international accent that will surprise viewers.