Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are very familiar with children – after all, the Hollywood star and his second wife have seven children aged up to nine. The actor’s eldest daughter, 27-year-old Ireland, is now expecting her first child. The family is very happy about this.

Ireland Baldwin is expecting her first child, as she announced on Instagram at the turn of the year. In doing so, she makes the daughter of Hollywood stars Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger not only her parents-to-be grandparents. New roles will soon follow for the seven other children the actor shares with his now-wife, yoga specialist Hilaria Baldwin.

A video that Hilaria shared on her Instagram account also shows the great excitement that prevails in the extended family. In it, the firstborn of the seven kids, nine-year-old Carmen, explains to the others what the addition to the family means to her. “You will be an uncle,” she says over and over again, pointing to the boys Rafael (7), Leonardo (6), Romeo (4) and Eduardo (2).

She says about her two younger sisters Lucia (1) and Ilaria (3 months): “She will be an aunt.” The little Baldwin sons have known the term “big brother” for a long time. It’s different with the “uncle” and so they listen to her in amazement.

When asked by her father, who is also on the couch where the whole family is sitting down to record a congratulatory video greeting for Ireland, Carmen says: “You’re going to be a grandfather.” Baldwin puts his hand to his face.

Captioning her post, Hilaria Baldwin said: “From all these excited little uncles and aunts and Grandpa Alec and I… We are so excited for you Ireland and Andre…can’t wait to meet the little darling.” . And the mother-to-be replies with a heart and a flame emoji: “Ohhhhh, thank you guys. The littlest aunts and uncles”.