The transformation of the automotive industry poses major challenges for suppliers. IG Metall sees prosperity in the country at risk.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Roman Zitzelsberger, head of IG Metall in Baden-Württemberg, is concerned about the automotive suppliers in the southwest. In view of the change from combustion engines to e-mobility, he is less concerned about manufacturers. But the falling demand for parts for the combustion engine poses a major challenge for Baden-Württemberg, said Zitzelsberger of the German Press Agency in Stuttgart.

“If fewer combustion engines are built, fewer combustion-specific parts from suppliers are needed,” said Zitzelsberger. He observes how production is shifting to Eastern Europe and how some new products are no longer being made in Germany. “We will not accept this secret sell-out by the suppliers in Baden-Württemberg.” If this continues, the southwest will have a significantly lower industrial quota, said Zitzelsberger. This in turn would affect the country’s prosperity, which is closely linked to industrial production.

The trade unionist announced a conference with works councils from the affected industry for mid-February in the new year. His union not only expects clear signals from politicians, but also companies are held accountable. Because jobs are also at stake. Businesses shouldn’t shirk their responsibilities by arguing that demographics will solve this employment problem.