YouTube favors watch time when determining how favorably to rank your video in search results and featured positions across the platform, in contrast to the way that many video creators focus solely on their view counts.

When utilizing videos to market your business and its goods or services, you should pay particular attention to the average watching time or view length. Typically, videos with a long average watch time YouTube do better than those with a short average watch time.

However, you might wonder why this measure is so significant if you’re unfamiliar with it. Continue reading to learn more about average view time and how it affects your channel.

How Viewing Time Affects Your Channel Promotion

It’s doubtful that a person will watch a video all the way through if they aren’t interested in it. Instead, the viewer will stop watching the movie, decreasing the average view time. The low average view length of the video indicates disinterested viewers.

Social media platforms are likely to rank a video with a high average watch duration higher in the search results for pertinent queries than comparable videos with a low average view length.

How to Improve Average Video Viewing Time

Start with an Interesting Intro

You must first capture your audience’s attention. Grabbing their interest right away is another thing Google itself advises. Your window of opportunity to make it happen is the first 15 seconds. Utilizing the more engaging portions of your video first will increase the likelihood that your viewers will be engrossed and keep watching.

Choose Accurate Titles and Thumbnails

Your video title and thumbnails influence their ranks and viewership. They offer a sneak peek of a video’s content and are the primary inducement for viewers to click. Choosing the appropriate thumbnails and titles may lengthen viewers’ time spent watching videos.

Optimize Video Descriptions for YouTube SEO

With more vital YouTube SEO techniques, your videos may rank higher in search engine results, resulting in more views and interaction. Identify the primary keywords and include them in your YouTube description, tags, and title.

Listen to YouTube Analytics

YouTube analytics provide tendencies about your visitors’ viewing habits. It’s your one-stop shop for learning how well your videos are doing and whether your efforts are bearing fruit. For instance, you can learn whether long-tail keyword material is viewed more frequently. You may also determine the level of engagement of your new intro style using the YouTube analytics dashboard.

Embed Your YouTube Channel on Your Website

Want a quick technique to increase the number of views on your videos? Your YouTube channel and videos can be embedded on your website. Anyone who visits your website may then view your YouTube videos. Consequently, you may turn visitors to your website into subscribers and watchers.

So, what is considered the Average Viewing Time for a Video?

Most videos do well with an average view length in the 70–80% range. Anything more than that is a well-made video.

But remember that a sharp drop-down at that point will shorten your average view time but show that your video is successful if you want the audience to click a link you’ve included in it.