Once again, a shadow hangs over Christmas. In previous years it was the corona pandemic that spoiled the joy, now it is the war in Ukraine with its far-reaching consequences. This is also reflected in the Prime Minister’s Christmas speech.

Schwerin (dpa / mv) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has expressly included the people there in her good wishes for Christmas in view of the ongoing war in Ukraine. “We all wish the people in Ukraine that there will be peace again quickly. And I would like to thank everyone who gives refugees from Ukraine protection here in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and supports them in their everyday lives,” said Schwesig in her Christmas speech. which was to be broadcast on NDR television on Friday evening.

With the attack on Ukraine, Putin’s Russia brought fear, suffering and death to the country and brought the war back to Europe. The effects can also be felt in this country. Many people suffered from the rising prices and worried about the future. “In times of crisis like this, the most important political task for me is to preserve internal peace in our country. Social peace. We won’t let you down,” the prime minister assured the country’s citizens. She referred to the state aid decided by the federal and state governments to curb price increases for electricity and fuel.

The state government will do everything to get Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania through this crisis as well as possible. “I am confident that if we stick together, we will get through this difficult time.” Schwesig recalled the corona pandemic, which had had a significant impact on the public holiday meetings in previous years. “Now we can finally celebrate Christmas again without restrictions.” She paid tribute to everyone who had helped to get through the Corona period and thanked the employees in hospitals, the police and the fire brigades, who now made sure that Christmas could be celebrated safely.

The Prime Minister wished the residents of the country peaceful and relaxed holidays. “Peace on earth begins at home. In the family and with each and everyone personally,” she said. In view of the many people who are currently suffering from the flu or other respiratory diseases, Schwesig also combined her speech with wishes for recovery. “And special wishes to all sick children: I hope you will be well again by Christmas Eve,” she said.