Greifswald (dpa/mv) – The city of Greifswald sent a transporter with relief supplies to Ukraine on Wednesday. The truck brings, among other things, five power generators to the Ukrainian twin town of Drohobytsch, as announced by the city of Greifswald. The transport was financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The relief supplies included, for example, school furniture, 75 new tablets and various toys. The city of Greifswald also sent other donations such as canned food and battery-powered flashlights.

According to the city, the transport was organized by the service companies of the University Medical Center Greifswald in cooperation with a Polish logistics company. The Ukrainian city of Drohobych has accommodated around 20,000 refugees from its own country since the beginning of the war, according to the city twinning officer of the city of Greifswald.