Halle (dpa/sa) – The financing of the Handel House in Halle is set for the coming years. Secretary of State for Culture Sebastian Putz (CDU), Halle Mayor Egbert Geier (SPD) and the deputy director of the Handel House Foundation Susanne Kriese-Ochs signed a financing agreement on Wednesday, as reported by the State Chancellery. The Handel House Foundation will receive a total of around 13.3 million euros for its work from 2023 to 2027.

They are to be issued in five annual tranches. The state funding will increase from 580,000 euros in 2023 to 627,000 euros in 2027. The city will increase its amount from around 1.98 million euros to 2.1 million euros. The decisive factor for the additional funds is the recognition of the festival-related personnel costs of the foundation over the year. The foundation organizes the annual Handel Festival.

The composer Georg Friedrich Handel was born in Halle in 1685. After various posts such as in Italy, he lived in London, where he died in 1759. According to experts, Handel was a superstar in his day. Handel’s music is still being researched to this day, and pieces are performed all over the world. The church music piece “Messiah” as well as the “Fireworks Music” are among the famous works in the rich opera and oratorio output of the composer.