Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – Hesse would like to have a say in the planned major hospital reform in Germany at an early stage. According to the Basic Law, the federal states are responsible for hospital planning, emphasized Health Minister Kai Klose (Greens) on Wednesday in Wiesbaden. A commission of experts recently presented key points for a reform of hospital care in Germany. The federal states were initially not involved.

The key points are “an important impetus for the fundamental discussion,” said Klose after an exchange with the Managing Director of the Hessian Hospital Society (HKG), Steffen Gramminger. “They contain a number of ideas that can help secure the hospital structure and maintain its functionality,” said Klose.

The system of case flat rates is to be fundamentally revised. One component is the creation of “service groups”, another is the classification of clinics into different “levels”. From the HKG’s point of view, a reform is “overdue”. The HKG finds it good, for example, that not only services rendered should be remunerated, but also their provision. However, Gramminger warns against too much detail and bureaucracy.