Kriebstein/Chemnitz (dpa/sn) – Probably the steepest street in Saxony at Kriebstein Castle (Central Saxony) should become safer. As the state directorate in Chemnitz announced on Tuesday, the planning approval decision had been issued for the expansion of the district road between Schweikershain and Kriebstein. In the area of ​​the castle hill, the road not only runs steeply, it also has a tight curve radius in a hairpin bend. Vehicles would have little room to maneuver there. However, the serpentine is not only dangerous because of the narrow roadway width and the large gradient. The change from asphalt to granite paving can also lead to accidents, it said. In addition, there was no functioning drainage system and a sidewalk.

The road section to be upgraded begins at the bridge over the Zschopau river in the district of Kriebethal and runs around 510 meters to the old manor. The road is to be widened to six meters and the curve radius on the castle hill increased to at least seven meters. There are plans to reduce the gradient, add a two-metre-wide sidewalk and a new drainage system, and create additional parking spaces for buses and cars.

“With a gradient of around 24 percent, the Burgberg, which leads to Kriebstein Castle, is rightly called the steepest street in Saxony,” said the President of the Saxony State Directorate, Regina Kraushaar, according to a statement. “It is all the more important that the path to this wonderful excursion destination can now be expanded, because this improves access to Kriebstein Castle for pedestrians and safety for all road users”.