Aschaffenburg (dpa / lby) – On Tuesday, the police searched seven properties in the Aschaffenburg area and in neighboring Hesse on suspicion of bribery and corruption by elected officials. “It’s about securing evidence,” said a spokesman for the Munich public prosecutor’s office. Four people are suspect, who are being investigated in connection with votes in the Aschaffenburg city council in 2015 and 2019. “Further information cannot be given at this time due to the ongoing investigation.”

The spokesman did not want to say whether the suspects are all still on the city council or were at all. In addition, it was initially unclear how the elected officials were said to have been bribed and what the city council votes were about. According to the information, there were no arrest warrants against the accused, whose party affiliation was initially unclear. “There are no indications of a reason for detention such as a risk of flight,” said the spokesman.