Shock for Hollywood star Robert De Niro. Just before Christmas, of all days, a well-known thief breaks into his house in New York and steals the Christmas presents. The police are just in time.

Shortly before Christmas, Robert De Niro has to cope with a moment of shock: the actor was broken into. As the “New York Post” and “ABC7 New York” report, citing the police, a burglar gained access to his home on the Upper East Side in Manhattan early Monday morning.

When police officers found the 30-year-old woman known to the police, she was busy grabbing the Hollywood star’s iPad and wrapping Christmas presents under the tree. “She stole Christmas presents,” New York law enforcement officials said. “This is just crazy”.

Officers previously spotted the burglar in an area where she had been arrested several times and began following her. She snuck down a flight of stairs leading to the 79-year-old star’s home on the Upper East Side around 2.30am. Police noticed that she tried to open a few doors before getting to De Niro’s home. She is said to have finally managed to break open the door with a crowbar, as “Mirror” reports. The police officers reacted promptly, entered the Hollywood star’s home and arrested the woman.

According to the police, the actor and the alleged thief did not meet. De Niro is said to have been in the house during the incident, staying upstairs while his daughter was believed to be in one of the bedrooms. However, none of the residents knew what was going on.

The woman is one of the “most recidivist burglars” for the New York Police Department (NYPD). She is said to have been arrested 26 times, including for burglary and petty theft. It was only on December 8th that she should have served her last sentence.