Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) – In the dispute over the transmission of the parrot disease by ring-necked parakeets to humans, the Mönchengladbach district court has not yet made a decision. The court is considering hiring an expert witness in the case.

A firefighter has sued a Mönchengladbach animal dealer. The 60-year-old says the birds infected him with parrot disease. Now he is demanding 20,000 euros in damages and repayment of the purchase price of 2700 euros from the dealer from Mönchengladbach.

He bought 14 parakeets in the summer of 2021 at a small animal market in the Eifel. Shortly thereafter, the plaintiff from Mechernich fell ill and suffered severe lung and kidney failure (Az.: 6 O 102/22).

“My husband was very enthusiastic about the birds,” his wife told the court. “They were tame and trusting and flew around the living room.” But now her husband is unable to work. The 44-year-old pet dealer said the birds were healthy when they were sold last year. The civil trial is scheduled to resume on January 13.