Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the dispute over the deportation of refugees after serious crimes, FDP parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke makes serious allegations against the state government. Background: A convicted Afghan criminal who, with other men, raped a 14-year-old girl in a refugee home in Illerkirchberg in 2019, is now living in the community again. “It may be Ms. Faeser’s fault that he cannot be deported, but it is certainly the fault of the state government if he comes back to his small community,” Rülke told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart.

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice has been working in Berlin for months to have the man deported. However, the federal government has suspended deportations to Afghanistan since August 2021. The reason for this is the security situation on site. Rülke does not agree with the absolute ban on deportations: “People like this should be deported – no matter where,” he said. “Female criminals must not benefit from the fact that they would put themselves in danger in regions where they might be deported. If this danger exists, they should kindly behave decently. And if they still rape or commit other serious crimes, then it happens They are also fine with being deported.”

Rülke also criticized Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) in this context: “So far, Ms. Faeser has only presented draft laws that make naturalization easier. But we agreed otherwise in the coalition negotiations. That is why the FDP parliamentary group will only implement all of its wishes if it also ensures that deportations are made easier.”