Yvonne Catterfeld draws a mixed balance of the year: In March she takes in a Ukrainian family, “really very fine people”, according to the actress and singer. “Politically, it was a very strenuous and dark year.” But she doesn’t let the joy of Christmas be taken away from her.

At the end of the year, Yvonne Catterfeld looks back on the past few months with mixed feelings. “Politically, it was a very strenuous and dark year,” said the actress and singer of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “When the war started in February, I spent a long time online trying to understand it all. We took in a Ukrainian family who have been living with us separately ever since, so I always get something.”

The mother and two daughters fled in March, the father is still in Ukraine. “These are really very fine people.” Of course, the war overshadowed everything, but it had also become more difficult for many people in this country.

Nevertheless, Catterfeld also gets a brighter side of life, especially in the run-up to Christmas: “I’m actually always really looking forward to Christmas. I’m actually one of those people who buy gingerbread in October, when the first ones are available. I’ve often had them too the first gifts in October – it’s different this year, but I think less is more this time.”

At Christmas dinner, the 43-year-old tends to rely on simple solutions after she found the preparation of a goose stressful: “Now we’re grilling again – my dad is standing outside and frying sausages, there are sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Then you don’t have to do the whole thing Standing in the kitchen in the evening.”