If you want to take part in the Super League, you have to make a very conscious decision: the competitions at UEFA and FIFA could be taboo if the associations so decree. The opinion of the European Court of Justice strengthens the large associations.

The European football union UEFA has welcomed the assessment of an opinion by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the fight against a Super League. UEFA said this was an “encouraging step” on the way to maintaining the existing “dynamic and democratic” structure. “The opinion reinforces the central role of federations in protecting sport, upholding fundamental principles of sporting success and open access for their members.” A Super League would compete with the current Champions League.

According to the ECJ’s opinion, the Super League may start its own competition. However, the organizers could no longer take part in the competitions of the world association FIFA and UEFA without their permission. Advocate General Athanasios Rantos took this view in his Opinion in Luxembourg. The opinion of the Advocate General is not legally binding, but the judges often follow his opinion. A verdict is expected in a few months.

The European Club Association ECA also received the report positively. The association of nearly 250 clubs reiterated in a statement its “strong opposition” to the few who would disrupt European club football and undermine its values.

Most recently, top officials in European football underlined their rejection at a meeting with the Super League makers a good month ago. The then DFL boss Donata Hopfen, the former Bayern CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and his successor Oliver Kahn and BVB boss Hans-Joachim Watzke also took part.

The Super League project with Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and Juventus Turin at the top failed in its original form in April 2021. UEFA had put up massive resistance. Of the twelve top clubs that initially sought a spin-off, nine withdrew within a few hours. German clubs were not among the founding members and subsequently repeatedly emphasized their rejection.