Erfurt (dpa/th) – With whistles and banners, hundreds of doctors and pharmacists drew attention to problems with outpatient care in Thuringia in front of the state parliament in Erfurt. The general practitioners alone are currently vacant in 68 practices, meaning that thousands of patients are not receiving adequate care, speakers explained. At the beginning of the year alone, 26 dental practices would close because no successor had been found.

The professional associations of medical practitioners, dentists and pharmacists in Thuringia have called for the protest action. Among other things, the doctors called for an appropriate compensation for inflation in view of the sharp rise in energy prices, but also for more appreciation of their work. The lack of appreciation for doctors and medical staff by politicians has led to health insurance companies starting new rounds of savings, said a paying doctor. “More and more performance is demanded for yesterday’s money. It is therefore no wonder that more and more people are getting out.”

From the point of view of the practice physicians, the political crisis aid concentrates too much on hospitals and nursing homes, and practices are neglected. At the request of the CDU parliamentary group, outpatient medical care in Thuringia will also be the subject of a current hour in the state parliament on Wednesday.