Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The Hessian state government is strengthening the recognized care associations in the state. The decision to change the childcare law will significantly improve the information, advice and support for family members and committed people, said Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose (Greens) on Thursday in the state parliament in Wiesbaden. The new regulations had been decided by the majority of the government factions of the CDU and the Greens.

“Above all, we make it possible to establish appropriate advisory structures across the board,” explained Klose. Around 1.1 million euros were made available in 2021 as part of the previously voluntary funding. Next year it will be more than twice as much, in 2024 then 3.2 million and in 2025 finally 4.2 million euros. This ensures that the concrete advisory structures on site can continue to develop.

At the end of last year, more than 94,000 adults in Hesse were dependent on the support of legal advisors, Klose reported. Last year alone, legal support was set up for almost 17,000 people in the state by the support courts. The courts ordered family members for half of this new care. In six percent, civic volunteers were used.

All of these people needed advice, support and professional guidance, emphasized the Minister for Social Affairs. “These are the important tasks that the care associations take on.”