The Berlin judge Birgit Malsack-Winkemann is said to be one of the brains behind the coup plans from the Reich citizen milieu. According to the regional court, she is resigning as a judge in the civil chamber by urgent order. An attempt to permanently remove her from government service failed in the fall.

After her arrest in connection with the Reichsbürger raid, the Berlin judge Birgit Malsack-Winkemann is no longer to be used in the court. The president of the Berlin regional court issued an emergency order, according to which Malsack-Winkemann is resigning as a judge in the civil chamber in which she is currently employed. Accordingly, the business distribution plan of the district court was changed accordingly. “This is an organizational measure that affects the use of the judge, but has no effect on her employment,” said the court press office on the measure.

Berlin’s left-wing justice senator, Lena Kreck, also announced that she would work hard to permanently remove Malsack-Winkemann from the civil service. The Senate administration has wanted to retire the judge for a long time and justifies this with overriding interests in the administration of justice. She refers to the exclusionary statements made by the ex-politician in parliamentary debates and on social media about refugees. However, the service court at the Berlin administrative court rejected the corresponding application by the Senate administration in October. Senator Kreck now explained: “Apparently the Senate administration was correct in its assessment.” Kreck announced that she would “exhaust all instruments to remove the accused completely from the judiciary.”

According to the authorities, Malsack-Winkemann is one of more than 20 suspects from the Reich bourgeois milieu who are said to have founded an extremist terrorist group with the aim of violently overthrowing the state order in Germany. According to the findings of the investigation, she belonged to the so-called “Council” of the terrorist group, which Heinrich Reuss chaired. The members of the “council” have met regularly in secret since November 2021 to plan the intended takeover of power in Germany and the establishment of their own state structures. The designated AfD MP was to be appointed Minister of Justice after the overthrow.

On Wednesday, around 3,000 emergency services carried out a nationwide raid against the alleged members and supporters who, according to the investigating authorities, wanted to use military force.

The 58-year-old sat for the AfD in the Bundestag from 2017 to 2021 and returned to the Berlin judicial service after leaving parliament as a civil judge at the regional court – against the will of the Berlin Senate Department for Justice.

A removal of judges from the service against their will is generally only permitted in extremely narrowly defined exceptional cases and is associated with very high hurdles. This is intended to guarantee the independence of the judiciary and rule out any influence on the judiciary.