Lüdenscheid (dpa / lnw) – Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst comes to the region severely affected by the closure of the Rahmede motorway bridge on Monday. The viaduct on the A45 in Lüdenscheid has been closed for a year and is to be rebuilt. The Sauerland city, the neighboring municipalities and South Westphalia, as the third strongest economic region in Germany, are suffering considerably – from detour traffic with noise and exhaust emissions, traffic jams, emigration of workers, delivery problems and slumps in sales.

CDU politician Wüst wants to discuss the current traffic situation with local residents and companies in Lüdenscheid. Before that, he will meet district administrators from South Westphalia in Arnsberg. The new bridge should be built as quickly as possible. A date for the demolition of the building had already been postponed.

The Union faction had placed the issue with a draft law to accelerate bridge renovations in the Bundestag on Friday. So far, too little has happened in Lüdenscheid, it said. Politicians of the traffic light coalition defended themselves: action had long been taken, and the Union had allowed the bridge to be in a dilapidated state in the first place.