For months there have been few reports of success in the Ukraine war on the Russian side. Territorial losses predominate. According to British secret services, approval for the “military operation” is dwindling in Russia.

According to British experts, the Kremlin will find it increasingly difficult to justify the war in Ukraine to its own people. This emerges from the daily intelligence update from the Ministry of Defense in London on the Ukraine war. “Given that Russia is unlikely to achieve any significant battlefield successes in the coming months, it is likely to be increasingly difficult for the Kremlin to garner even the tacit approval of the populace,” the statement said.

According to the British, leaked data from Russian authorities shows that only a quarter of the population in Russia now supports the aggressive war in Ukraine. At the beginning of the war it was still 80 percent. However, the partial mobilization in September made the war felt for many people.

In view of the military defeats, around 300,000 reservists have been called up for the fighting in Ukraine on Vladimir Putin’s orders since the end of September. The partial mobilization proved to be an extremely unpopular measure and triggered a mass exodus in Russia and the largest anti-war protests in months. The demonstrations were often organized by women.

The British Ministry of Defense has published daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, citing intelligence information. In doing so, the British government wants to both counter the Russian portrayal and keep allies in line. Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.