Wiesbaden/Wetzlar (dpa/lhe) – The FDP is campaigning for a strengthening of Hesse as a business location and for more funding for the maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure in the state. The designated top candidate of the Liberals for the state elections in 2023, Stefan Naas, wants to introduce the main motion “Let’s do it for Hesse” at the state party conference this Saturday in Wetzlar. “We want to strengthen our country’s performance by making major efforts to get started,” said Naas before the meeting on Friday.

Parallel to the state party conference, the state representative assembly of the Hessian FDP will take place on Saturday. The Liberals want to set up their team for the 2023 state elections, as the Hessian FDP state leader Bettina Stark-Watzinger announced. The challenges for Hesse are great. “We want to shape Hesse.” The state election is planned for autumn next year.

According to FDP General Secretary Moritz Promny, the party has gained 442 new members in Hesse since the beginning of the year. 58 percent of these people are under 30 years old. Overall, the FDP in Hesse currently has 7,460 members, 23 percent of whom are under 30 years old.