For the first time since the defeat in the federal election, 30 percent approval for the Union is within reach. The AfD, on the other hand, is losing feathers and losing support for the second time in a row.

The Union is slowly but steadily approaching the 30 percent mark and this week has gained one percentage point in the approval ratings in the new RTL/ntv trend barometer. In contrast, none of the three traffic light parties can improve. The AfD lost a percentage point for the second week in a row.

If the Bundestag were elected now, the parties could expect the following result: CDU/CSU 29 percent (Bundestag election in September 2021: 24.1 percent), Greens 20 percent (14.8 percent), SPD 19 percent (25.7 percent) , AfD 13 percent (10.3 percent), FDP 6 percent (11.5 percent), Left 4 percent (4.9 percent).

9 percent of voters (8.7 percent) would choose other parties. At 24 percent, the proportion of non-voters and undecided is slightly higher than the proportion of non-voters in the last federal election (23.4 percent).

There are also only minor changes in the Chancellor’s preferences: Olaf Scholz gains one percentage point in the candidate constellation with Merz and Habeck, while he loses one point in the constellation with Merz and Baerbock.

If Germans could choose their chancellor themselves, 23 percent would choose Olaf Scholz, while 20 percent each would prefer Friedrich Merz or Robert Habeck. In competition with Friedrich Merz and Annalena Baerbock, Olaf Scholz would get 24 percent, the two competitors would each get 22 percent of the votes.

13 percent of all eligible voters currently trust the Union, 12 percent each of the SPD and the Greens, to deal with the problems in Germany. 3 percent trust the FDP, 6 percent one of the other parties. 54 percent currently believe that no party is capable of dealing with the problems in Germany. That’s seven percentage points less than in September, so trust in politics in general seems to have grown in recent weeks.

16 percent of all German citizens expect that the economic conditions in Germany will improve in the coming years. 66 percent expect the economic situation to deteriorate, 16 percent no change. The war in Ukraine (57 percent) and the energy crisis (54 percent) remain the most important issues for German citizens. In third place in the week after the start of the World Cup was football with 32 percent.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from November 22 to 28, 2022. Database: 2505 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: plus/minus 2.5 percentage points.

More information about Forsa here.Forsa surveys commissioned by RTL Germany.