Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The state of Saxony-Anhalt has awarded Ragna Schirmer, Ansgar Striepens and Alexander Kluge the State Order of Merit. This was announced by the State Chancellery on Thursday.

The pianist Ragna Schirmer was honored for her outstanding commitment to culture, for her work as a cultural ambassador, for her promotion of young talent and as an important artist. In his laudatory speech, Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) emphasized Schirmer’s international reputation. “Appearances in many parts of Europe, in China and New Zealand as well as at well-known festivals at home and abroad speak for themselves. With your groundbreaking interpretations, you enjoy the highest recognition far beyond Germany,” he said, according to the State Chancellery on Thursday.

The musician, composer and arranger Ansgar Striepens received the award for his services to the musical landscape of Saxony-Anhalt, for his support of young musicians and his commitment as a cultural ambassador. Alexander Kluge, who was born in Halberstadt, received the award for his services as an author and filmmaker and for his contributions to the cultural development of the state of Saxony-Anhalt and his hometown.