Bad Nauheim/Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – This year’s Hessian film and cinema prize for newcomers goes to the film distributor “jip film

The film and cinema prize is always an occasion “to say thank you for the excellent Hessian productions and the great cinema work throughout Hesse,” explained Art Minister Angela Dorn (Greens) according to a statement.

The honored film distributor puts a focus on political and socially critical issues and brings “big and small stories to the cinemas that want to be told,” said Dorn when awarding the Newcomer Prize, which is endowed with 7,500 euros. “I would also like to draw attention to the important role that a courageous distributor plays in the quality of the cinema program.”

According to the jury, the short film prize, which is associated with 7000 euros, recognizes an extremely clever film that is very thought-provoking. The award-winning graduation film about the life of shrimp fishermen in the North Sea is an impressive film about socially relevant topics. This award is also endowed with 7000 euros.

According to the ministry, the other honorees include eight non-commercial cinemas in Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Weiterstadt. The prizes should be awarded on Wednesday evening in a Bad Nauheim cinema. The other awards will be presented on (tomorrow) Thursday and on Friday in Kassel and Frankfurt.