Because the Kremlin relies on the targeted destruction of the energy supply in the war against Kyiv, there are outages throughout Ukraine. With Moldova, an uninvolved neighboring country is now also reporting blackouts. However, what triggered it is still unclear.

After new Russian rocket attacks on Ukraine, its neighboring country, the Republic of Moldova, has also reported large-scale blackouts. “After Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine’s energy system in the past hour, we have massive power outages across the country,” Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu wrote in the Telegram news service. The utility Moldelectrica is working to solve the problem.

The governor of the Ukrainian region of Khmelnytskyi announced that the nuclear power plant there had been disconnected from the power grid after the latest attacks. The media also reported emergency shutdowns in two other power plants. It was initially unclear whether there was a connection between these incidents and the power outages in Moldova.

Russia attacked Ukraine almost nine months ago. After increasing military setbacks, Moscow began targeted attacks on the neighboring country’s energy supply a few weeks ago and has already caused massive damage. Ukraine, which now repeatedly has to turn off its citizens’ electricity by the hour in order to avoid major bottlenecks, speaks of “energy terror”.