Chemnitz (dpa/sn) – The center for criminological research in Chemnitz wants to educate citizens more about topics related to crime and criminal justice. Director Frank Asbrock announced a podcast series as a project on Tuesday. It explains in a concise and understandable form what a substitute imprisonment or a dark field is, said Asbrock. It is also about hate crime and sexualised violence. The whole thing is to be presented from December 1st in the form of an advent calendar, but the contributions will be available in the long term.

The affiliated institute of Chemnitz University of Technology started its work last year and is researching the causes and perception of crime. With its work, it creates a factual foundation for discussions on crime and criminal justice, which are often characterized by irrational fears, explained Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens). According to the rector of Chemnitz University of Technology, Gerd Strohmeier, the institute fills a gap in the research landscape with its social science focus. Research is carried out with direct practical relevance.

Research projects to date include a survey of 5,000 citizens on the perception of crime and offenders. The scientists found a gap between the actual development of crime and the subjective perception. Another project revolves around the role of media in prisons.