Munich (dpa / lby) – The Bavarian state government approved the budget for the coming year on Tuesday. The 71 billion euro budget is a “crisis management budget,” said Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) after the cabinet meeting in Munich. The planned investments of 10.3 billion euros are also a sign “that you are not burying your head in the sand to overcome the crisis, but believe in the future and invest”. The cabinet had already agreed on the cornerstones of the next budget at a closed meeting in early November.

A key point of the new budget: With its own Bavarian hardship fund of 1.5 billion euros, the state government wants to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis on companies, citizens and social institutions. The expansion of renewable energies is to be promoted with an additional 500 million euros.

Overall, the draft budget is “very solid” and meets all the requirements, “especially the debt brake requirements,” stressed Füracker. Now the budget is to be discussed and approved in the state parliament.