Emmanuel Macron will convene his National Council for Refoundation (CNR) on September 7, a year after its launch, to “set a course” for the continuation of the work of this body, particularly in terms of education and health, a- we learned Wednesday from the Elysée. After his re-election in 2022, the Head of State launched the CNR as a method to “build consensus” by bringing together political forces, social partners, business representatives and associations.

It organized two plenary meetings largely shunned by the opposition parties and certain unions, in September and December 2022, and this body had thematic variations. On the two priorities of the president, education and health, it is the territorial CNRs that have worked over the past year. But the work of the Council remained largely unknown, to the chagrin of the presidential teams.

“The projects undertaken by our schools and educational establishments as part of this approach will start concretely for the most part as soon as the new school year begins. In the same way, the work of the CNR Santé has now entered an operational phase, with several hundred territorial projects relating to the improvement of access to care, prevention or even the permanence of care”, he added. it detailed. “I wish we could amplify it, together,” he clarified.

At the same time, the Head of State, still without an absolute majority in the National Assembly, brought together the leaders of the political parties, including the opposition, on Wednesday to try to find common ground or subjects that could lead on possible referendums.