Munich (dpa/lby) – To support low-income households in the energy crisis, the Munich city council decided on Thursday to set up a new heat fund. “In particular, we want to help those who are particularly suffering from the energy crisis and have no financial leeway to meet increased heating costs in winter,” said Mayor Verena Dietl (SPD). The municipal utilities would have provided 20 million euros for this.

The fund is therefore designed for two years and is aimed at people whose monthly net income is below the risk of poverty line. The poverty threshold for a one-person household is currently 1540 euros, for a family with one child under the age of 14 it is 2770 euros.

The implementation and disbursement of the funds should take place in cooperation between the city of Munich and the independent welfare organizations. Applications can be submitted from January 2023 at various contact points of the independent welfare service and in the city’s social community centres. The Bavarian Red Cross, the State Caritas Association and Diakonie Bayern are among the member associations of welfare work in Bavaria.