Dresden (dpa / sn) – The Saxon Greens want to make the financing of party-related foundations legally secure by law. Domestic politician Valentin Lippmann presented a position paper on Thursday. “A law could regulate the mandate and funding of party-affiliated foundations in a binding and transparent manner. Court-verifiable criteria could also be used to justify an exclusion from funding for those party-affiliated foundations that try to impair the free democratic basic order with their work or actively fight it .” Saxony would thus be the first federal state to establish legal certainty in this regard.

According to Lippmann, a paradigm shift in the financing of party-affiliated foundations is necessary. “Effective instruments are needed to prevent foundations that are close to anti-constitutional parties from receiving tax money to set up anti-democratic think tanks.” A legal regulation for the tasks and financing of these foundations would at the same time put their important activities on a permanent footing.