Dresden (dpa/sn) – The CDU in the Saxon state parliament still sees a great need for research on the subject of the GDR and has therefore, together with other East German CDU parliamentary groups, criticized a cut in funds in the federal budget. “The GDR was an unjust state. People are still suffering from the consequences of SED arbitrariness and Stasi imprisonment. We mustn’t forget that,” said Christian Hartmann, leader of the Saxon CDU parliamentary group.

That is why the CDU is campaigning for the memorials in Torgau, Bautzen, Hoheneck and Kaßberg, among others. “There is still a lot to be researched. We need more scientific knowledge instead of GDR folklore and nostalgia. A drastic reduction in funding would therefore be a fatal signal to all victims.”

In an open letter, Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) will reconsider the planned cut and continue to design the program adequately.