Dresden (dpa / sn) – The official corona incidence in Saxony continues to decline. The number of reported new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days fell from 194.7 to 109.3 in a weekly comparison according to the current overview of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday. This is the lowest value of all federal states. Within the Free State, the weekly incidence ranges from 146.7 in Leipzig to 70.2 in the district of Central Saxony. The district of Leipzig (135.9) and the city of Chemnitz (122.2) are also at the top, while the state capital Dresden is in two figures (92.4).

Experts have been assuming for some time that the value does not fully reflect the infection situation because not all infected people have a PCR test done, but only those with a PCR test count in the statistics.

According to the RKI, more than 1.88 million infections have been registered nationwide since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 – with a total of a good 36 million inhabitants. 16,310 people have died from or with a Sars-CoV-2 infection.