Mannheim/Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – One day before the possibly decisive round of negotiations in the wage conflict in the metal and electrical industry, thousands of employees in the south-west took part in warning strikes. According to the IG Metall trade union, almost 28,000 people took part in the industrial action on Wednesday. The largest rally took place in Mannheim with 3500 participants. According to the information, more than 234,000 employees in Baden-Württemberg have taken part since the warning strike began.

The IG Metall relies on a pilot agreement in the south-west for around 3.9 million employees across Germany. The federal board of the union gave the green light on Monday evening for an attempt to reach an agreement in the Baden-Württemberg district. The fifth round of negotiations is scheduled to begin this Thursday (2:30 p.m.) in Ludwigsburg.

The IG Metall demands eight percent more money for the employees for a term of twelve months. In the negotiations, the employers had previously offered one-time payments of 3,000 euros and also an unspecified increase in the wage tables for a period of 30 months.