Munich (dpa / lby) – According to IG Metall, around 48,000 employees from 131 Bavarian companies took part in warning strikes on Tuesday. In front of the Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt, 20,000 employees from the region demonstrated for significantly higher wages. There were also large rallies with several thousand metalheads at BMW in Munich as well as in Nuremberg, Schweinfurt and Augsburg. The Bavarian IG Metall boss Johann Horn said: “If the employers have not understood today what the employees are willing and able to do, then they can no longer be helped.”

In the nationwide collective bargaining dispute in the metal and electrical industry, the union and employer are now hoping for a pilot agreement in Baden-Württemberg. The negotiations are scheduled to take place in Ludwigsburg on Thursday. In the past few days, employers have been sounded out and a jumping-off point created, said IG Metall boss Jörg Hofmann on Tuesday of the German Press Agency.

The union is demanding eight percent more wages and salaries for a contract period of twelve months. Employers have offered a one-off payment of 3,000 euros net for a period of 30 months, as well as an unspecified increase in the wage tables. Should the negotiations in Ludwigsburg fail, the union could call for 24-hour strikes or initiate a ballot on indefinite strikes.