Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Two days before the verdict is expected in the “NSU 2.0” process, some of the threatened women spoke up. “The verdict – that much is already certain – does not acquit right-wing networks in the police force,” wrote Frankfurt lawyer Seda Başay-Yıldız, actress İdil Baydar and politician Janine Wissler, among others, in a joint statement on Tuesday .

“We hope that the court will issue an important judgment that will send a strong signal” – for the accused as well as for possible imitators, says the letter, which was also signed by Anne Helm, Martina Renner and Hengameh Yaghoobifarah. They also hoped for a signal from the court that the series of threats had not been completely cleared up and that the Hessian police had not been exonerated by convicting the accused.

Even after extensive evidence was taken, the role of at least one police officer and one police officer from the 1st Frankfurt police station was unclear, the people concerned wrote. It is “a scandal” that the public prosecutor’s office has committed itself to the alleged individual perpetrator and is thus trying to “keep out of the proceedings” the role of Hessian police officers and a “solid group” of right-wing police officers.

In the process, a man from Berlin has to answer for insult, threat and coercion. He is the alleged author of around 80 threatening letters against politicians, lawyers and public figures signed “NSU 2.0”. The public prosecutor is asking for a prison sentence of seven years and six months.