According to the repeated abuse of police data in the state of Hesse, the trade Union of police (GdP) calls for the introduction of fingerprint sensors. With the technique, the standard should be equipped jobs. “This would be a simplification in the registration procedure and the other is a really safe method to prevent third parties from performing a query with my access data system,” said GdP Chairman Andrew Green on Wednesday.

the interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) had announced on Tuesday other steps: according to The Drohschreiben against the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz adopted security mechanisms have been clearly insufficient. Not only in this case, personal data of the police had been accessed computers.

with New access data for police officers

“we will, Therefore, rules at the Request to press the reset button,” said Beuth. All current access permissions for the entire Hessian police would reset. “Every officer will receive new access data and to the absolute confidentiality of this data to commit.”

“The proposal of Beuth, to reset the access data, I do not think it expedient,” said Green. Although possible, but would be More of passwords first of all, prevented. “But from the day after that, we had again the same sign-in requirements with all their weaknesses.” A Review of the fingerprint needs to be set up so that “in the mood for each new data request, the Finger needs to be.” This is no time factor to mention is in the work, and provide more security for police officers.