At least 13 people died in the Argentine town of Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires province) when the roof of a sports hall collapsed due to the strong storm that hit the area, official sources reported late this Saturday.

“With a lot of pain, 13 fatalities have been confirmed so far. We ask the community to take extreme care and not circulate on public roads,” wrote Federico Susbielles, mayor of the city, on his account on the social network X.

Rescue teams continue to work among the rubble of the sports venue, which at the time of the event was hosting a skating competition. The possible extent of the tragedy is unknown at the moment.

The so-called Crisis Committee, made up of local authorities, works with provincial and national authorities to assist victims and control damage.

The national Executive reported the electrical storm and wind gusts exceeding 150 km/h in the city of Bahía Blanca (about 640 kilometers south of the Argentine capital) and also that an orange alert is in effect in different areas of the province. from Buenos Aires.

The president of Argentina, the libertarian Javier Milei, “deeply” regretted the loss of human life and sent his condolences to family and loved ones. At the same time, he reminded that those “who are in risk areas should stay in their homes.”

Meanwhile, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, the Peronist Áxel Kicillof, highlighted the coordination of “efforts” between his team and the authorities of Bahía Blanca “within the framework of the Emergency Committee” and that “the resources were made available to repair the consequences of this tragedy.”

The place of the tragedy is the Bahiense del Norte Club, where former basketball player Manu Ginobili, winner of four NBA rings and gold medals at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and bronze medals in Beijing, trained as an athlete. 2008, in addition to silver at the 2002 World Cup in Indianapolis.

The former player himself wrote a heartfelt message on his X social network account, in which he was “very sad” about the situation his former club, his city and the region are going through. “A big hug for everyone and my condolences for the families of the victims. Fuerza Bahía!!”, concluded Manu.