Surprise at the demonstration against the amnesty in front of Ferraz this Monday. The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, arrived at the rally accompanied by Tucker Carlson, former political commentator for the Fox television network and one of the main media references for American conservatives.

Abascal’s presence at the protest at the socialist headquarters was expected, but not that he would be accompanied by one of the most recognized journalists in the United States, a key figure in Donald Trump’s media strategy in recent years. “In Madrid,” was the message through social networks, accompanied by a photograph with Abascal, with which Carlson announced his participation in the demonstration with the Vox leader.

Tucker Carlson was one of the main presenters of the conservative Fox network from 2009 until May of this year, when he began broadcasting his program through social networks.

Carlson, in addition to Abascal, was accompanied by a good part of the Vox leadership, which regularly participates in the rallies against the amnesty in Ferraz. The party calls for “permanent” mobilization to confront the “coup d’état” that, they say, Pedro Sánchez is carrying out by agreeing with the independence movement to support him for this week’s investiture.