Since moving to California, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have repeatedly supported charitable causes with their Archewell Foundation, including refugees from Afghanistan. They are now being honored for their efforts.

Great honor for Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry: The royal couple is honored for their social commitment. As the British “Daily Mail” reports, the two and the joint Archewell Foundation will be awarded the Haji Abdul Rauf Service Award. This honors her commitment to refugees from Afghanistan and her support for the non-profit organization Human First Coalition.

The award will be presented at a charity event in New York next week. According to the “Daily Mail”, however, Harry and Meghan will not accept the award themselves, Archewell Managing Director James Holt will represent them. US Senator Richard Blumenthal is also honored with the award for his commitment to Afghan refugees and asylum seekers.

Harry and Meghan are said to have supported the non-profit organization Human First Coalition with a donation at the end of 2021, among other things. On the Christmas card, which featured a family photo with daughter Lilibet, one, and son Archie, two, the couple said: “As we look forward to 2022, we have made donations on your behalf to several organizations that support families – from those resettled from Afghanistan to American families who need paid parental leave.”

The non-profit organization Archewell was founded by Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in 2020. After moving to California, the couple had decided to disband UK charity MWX, formerly Sussex Royal, and start a new US charitable organization.