The technical associations VDE and DVWG advise against using mobile electric direct heating devices such as fan heaters, radiators or radiant heaters instead of gas heating in winter. The power supply is not designed for such a simultaneous additional load, explained Martin Kleimaier from the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) on Wednesday in Berlin.

There was a risk of local network overload, the associations warned. Also, on a very cold winter’s day, under certain assumptions, the current power plant capacity is not sufficient for these additional loads.

“The gas heating can continue to be operated in any case,” said Frank Gröschl from the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVWG). He recommended increasing the efficiency of gas heating systems in summer, for example by lowering the room temperature, hydraulically balancing the heating system or carrying out maintenance. In Germany, around half of all apartments are heated with natural gas.