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At least 19 people died this Friday morning in a collision between a bus and a train in the Vladimir region, 180 kilometres northeast of Moscow, as announced On the regional authorities. According to the regional governor’s spokesman, Rita Shilájova, the bus was just crossing the road while most of the passengers were asleep.
The driver started screaming and about 30 passengers came down to try to push the vehicle. At that moment the train reached the bus, which was literally destroyed, according to Shilájova. The governor added that the passengers who had descended from the bus survived and that the victims were among those who remained inside.
According to the agency Ria Nóvosti, which cites the Department of Transportation of the Russian Instruction committee, the bus came from Kazakhstan and transported Uzbek passengers, and there are several injured in the hospital. The train driver, who made the route Saint Petersburg-Nizhny Novgorod, activated the emergency brake, but the distance was insufficient to avoid the collision.
“According to the latest information, 19 people have died,” he told the Russian press agency TASS the director of the health services of the Vladimir region, Alexandre Kiriukin. All the victims are passengers of the bus, according to a communiqué of the regional Ministry of Interior.