For the AfD in the southwest, it is the second party congress in eight months. There is no change in leadership this time. In Offenburg, Baden, the meeting triggers a protest.

Offenburg (dpa / lsw) – The AfD Baden-Württemberg wants to start its state party conference in Offenburg, Baden, on Saturday (10 a.m.). At the two-day meeting in the Oberrheinhalle, the members are asked, among other things, to discuss changes to the statutes. In addition, according to the co-state chairman Markus Frohnmaier, there should be resolutions, including on the topics of family, property tax, migration and the Ukraine war.

The alliance “Stand up against racism Offenburg” called for a protest against the meeting in the city in the Ortenau district. According to its own statements, it is supported by the DGB Baden-Württemberg and the local groups of the Greens and the SPD, among others. Due to demonstrations, significant traffic delays are expected in the city center, as the city announced.

Since July, the AfD state association has been observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a suspected right-wing extremist. The secret service can thus examine the right-wing populists more closely and, under strict conditions, observe members, monitor phones and recruit informants.