For a week, 4,000 Christians from all over the world debated current issues in Karlsruhe and thought about the future of the Christian community. At the end, a balance is drawn.

Karlsruhe (dpa/lsw) – The first general assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Germany ends this Thursday in Karlsruhe. For a good week, more than 4000 Christians from all over the world discussed current issues – from climate justice to racism and famine. The Christian community must come together again and position itself on important social issues, said WCC general secretary Ioan Sauca at the beginning. The gathering of the community of around 350 Christian churches, representing more than 580 million people worldwide, was also overshadowed by the war in Ukraine.

The assembly is the highest decision-making body of the WCC and is considered the “most inclusive gathering of Christians in the world”. In addition to debates on current topics, there were joint prayers and excursions.