Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – As of this Wednesday, people infected with corona will no longer have to go into isolation in Baden-Württemberg. Instead, they will be required to wear masks for five days outside their own homes, as the Ministry of Health in Stuttgart announced on Tuesday.

“The lifting of the obligation to separate is currently justifiable from an infectious disease point of view,” said Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens). This is shown not least by the experiences in neighboring European countries, which have already taken this step. “Basically, anyone who is ill and has symptoms should stay at home as before and take sick leave,” the minister continued.

The new regulation should allow infected people, as far as their state of health allows, to go shopping with a mask or to go for a walk in the fresh air. With a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, the mask can also be dispensed with outdoors. As a further restriction, a new regulation stipulates that infected people are not allowed to enter or work in clinics and nursing homes. The same applies to refugee shelters and prisons.