Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the legal dispute over the top post at the Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart, the administrative court has scheduled the hearing for November 17th. Both the lawsuit and the urgent application will be discussed, a spokesman for the court said on Thursday. First, the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” reported about it.

Justice Minister Marion Gentges (CDU) is opposed to the proposal by a body composed of judges and brought up another candidate as the new president of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court. However, because this was rejected by the so-called Presidential Council, the ministry has applied for an injunction so that a court can decide on the issue.

The process surrounding the OLG candidacy and the successor to Cornelia Horz is a rarity in recent judicial history. The previous Higher Regional Court President retired in May.

Gentges had favored Beate Linkenheil for the vacant OLG line post – and suggested it to the Presidential Council of Judges. He may check whether there are any errors. There, however, the department head in the Ministry of Justice was rejected. The Presidential Council spoke out in favor of Andreas Singer, the President of the Stuttgart Regional Court.