Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – According to a forecast, the economy in Baden-Württemberg will only grow slightly in the first half of 2023. Experts from the Institute for Applied Economic Research in Tübingen and the University of Hohenheim are forecasting an increase in gross domestic product of 0.3 percent in the first quarter compared to the previous quarter. For the second quarter, they expect an increase of 0.1 percent. The researchers announced on Wednesday that growth had come to a standstill.

For the current quarter, the researchers expect a price- and seasonally adjusted decline of 0.2 percent compared to the third quarter. Overall, there will be an increase of 1.9 percent for 2022 compared to 2021.

“Economic development has been more stable this year than one could have hoped for in view of the multiple crises,” said Economics Minister Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut. The forecast shows “the high crisis resilience of the overall economy in the country”. At the same time, one has to realize that the high energy prices in particular have different effects depending on the industry and company.